Probability and Statistics is a very important prerequisite course in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, nearly all the relevant courses need it as an essential part of the basis, such as cs224n at Stanford:
- Proficiency in Python
- College Calculus, Linear Algebra
- Basic Probability and Statistics
- Foundations of Machine Learning
where it requires “basics of probabilities, gaussian distributions, mean, standard deviation, etc.” Although I have learned Probability a long time ago, it is still necessary to refresh and build a big picture with Statistics. For the reason that I didn’t learn Statistics systematically previously and I didn’t want to spend too much time on this topic, just a “basic” overview course was enough to help me to achieve this target. Through comparing many open courses online, I found that Dr James Abdey’s course “Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p?” provided by Coursera satisfied my needs very well. Therefore I studied this course seriously and then posted my notes on this blog.
In this course, Dr James Abdey combined the core concepts of Probability and Statistics closely and covered all the heart topics, including quantifying uncertainty with probability, descriptive statistics, point and interval estimation of means and proportions, the basics of hypothesis testing, and a selection of multivariate applications of key terms and concepts seen throughout the course. I have sorted out the materials as follows, which may help you get the key points quickly and build a global picture of this subject. Besides this, it is also readable to get knowledge of decision making under uncertainty. The thinking of Statistics perhaps benefits you for a lifetime.
1.1 The Monty Hall problem
The famous ‘Monty Hall’ problem is a classic example of decision making under uncertainty.
The only certainty is that the prize must be behind one of the three doors. Upon revealing one of the doors you did not choose, you still face uncertainty - the only certainty is that the prize must be behind one of the two unopened doors.
1.2 Decision making under uncertainty
Decisions have to be taken in the present, with uncertain future outcomes.
There are two important implications for everyone in the age of technology:
- Collect vast amounts of data - the era of ‘big data’.
- Analyse data and make decisions on the basis of quantitative analysis.
A source of competitive advantage: data-driven decision-making
Decision-making is a process when one is faced with a problem or decision having more than one possible outcome.
The possible results from the decision are a function of two variables:
- internal variables: we can control.
- external variables: we cannot control.
Uncertain variables –> The uncertain outcome
For all decisions, we need to determine the influencing factors which could either be internal or external, then used to derive expected results or consequences.
Qualitative analysis vs. Quantitative analysis
In a qualitative analysis
- the management team ‘qualitatively’ evaluates how each factor could affect the decision.
- this discussion leads to an assessment by the decision-maker.
- the decisions is made followed by implementation, if necessary.
We could make this assessment using the (qualitative) qualifiers of:
- ‘optimistic’
- ‘conservative’
- ‘pessimistic’
However, a qualitative approach inevitably is susceptible to judgement and hence biases on the part of the decision-makers. ‘Gut instinct’ can lead to good outcomes, but in the long run is far from optimal.
In a quantitative analysis
- the evaluation becomes a process of using mathematics and statistical techniques.
- find predictive relationships between the factors and the potential outcomes.
- seek to understand the problem.
- Define mathematically the relationships;
- Evaluate the significance of the predictive value of the relationships found;
- Quantitatively express the expected results or consequences of the decision we are making.
1.3 Uncertainty in the news
News reports new information about events taking place in the world.
Decisions are made in the present, with uncertain future outcomes. Hence many media reports will comment on the uncertainties being faced.
‘Black swan’ - low-probability, high-impact events
Increasingly, quantitative hedge funds and asset managers will trade algorithmically, with computers designed to scan the internet for news stories and interpret whether news reports contain any useful information which would allow a revision of probabilistic beliefs.
1.4 Simplicity vs. Complexity - the need for models
A model is a deliberate simplification of reality. A good model retains the most important features of reality and ignores less important details. Broadly speaking, we would be happy if the benefit exceed the cost, i.e. if the simplicity made it easier for us to understand and analyse the real world while incurring only a minimal departure from reality.
Caution: a model is a departure from reality, blind belief in a model might be misleading.
Our key takeaway is that models inevitably involve trade-offs. As we further simplify reality(a benefit), we further depart from reality(a cost). In order to determine whether or not a model is ‘good’, we must decide whether the benefit justifies the cost. Resolving this benefit-cost trade-off is subjective - further adding to life’s complexities.
1.5 Beware when model assumptions go wrong
To assist with the process of model building, we often make assumptions - usually simplifying assumptions.
Beware assumptions - if you make a wrong or invalid assumption, then decisions you make in good faith may lead to outcomes far from what you expected.
2.1 Probability principles
The first basic concepts in probability will be the following:
- Experiment: For example, rolling a single die and recording the outcome.
- Outcome of the experiment: For example, rolling a 3.
- Sample space S: The set of all possible outcomes, here {1,2,3,4,5,6}.
- Event: Any subset A of the sample space, for example A = {4,5,6}.
Probability, P(A), will be defined as a function which assigns probabilities (real numbers) to events (sets). A set is a collection of elements (also known as ‘members’ of the set).
An experiment is a process which produces outcomes and which can have several different outcomes. The sample space S is the set of all possible outcomes of the experiment. An event is any subset A of the sample space such that $A \subset S$, where $\subset$ denotes a subset.
Frequency interpretation of probability
This states that the probability of an outcome A of an experiment is the proportion ( relative frequency ) of trials in which A would be the outcome if the experiment was repeated a very large number of times under similar conditions.
How to find probabilities
A key question is how to determine appropriate numerical values, $P(A)$, for the probabilities of particular events.
In practice we could determine probabilities using one of three methods:
- subjectively
- by experimentation (empirically)
- theoretically
Subjective estimates are employed when it is not feasible to conduct experimentation or use theoretical tools.
Ignoring extreme events like a world war, the determination of probabilities is usually done empirically, by observing actual realisations of the experiment and using them to estimate probabilities. In the simplest cases, this basically applies the frequency definition to observed data.
The estimation of probabilities of events from observed data is an important part of statistics.
2.2 Simple probability distributions
One can view probability as a quantifiable measure of one’s degree of belief in particular event, or set, of interest.
The universal convention is that we define probability to lie on a scale from 0 to 1 inclusive. Hence the probability of any event A, say, is denoted $P(A)$ and is a real number somewhere in the unit interval, i.e. $P(A) \in [0, 1]$, where ‘$\in$’ means ‘is a member of’.
Determining event probabilities for equally likely elementary outcomes
Classical probability is a simple special case where values of probabilities can be found by just counting outcomes. This requires that:
- the sample space contains only a finite number of outcomes, N
- all of the outcomes are equally probable (equally likely).
Suppose that the sample space $S$ contains $N$ equally likely outcomes, and that event A consists of $n \leq N$ of these outcomes. We then have that:
\[P(A) = \frac{n}{N} = \frac{\text{number of outcomes in }A} {\text{total number of outcomes in the sample space }S}.\]That is, the probability of $A$ is the proportion of outcomes which belong to $A$ out of all possible outcomes.
In the classical case, the probability of any event can be determined by counting the number of outcomes which belong to the event, and the total number of possible outcomes.
Random variables
A random variable is a ‘mapping’ of the elementary outcomes in the sample space to real numbers. This allows us to attach probabilities to the experimental outcomes. Hence the concept of a random variable is that of a measurement which takes a particular value for each possible trial(experiment). Frequently, this will be a numerical value.
Probability distribution
Be aware that random variables comes in two varieties - discrete and continuous.
- Discrete: Synonymous with ‘count data’ such as 0, 1, 2 …
- Continuous: Synonymous with ‘measured data’ such as the real line.
A probability distribution is the complete set of sample space values with their associated probabilities which must sum to 1 for discrete random variables.
For notational efficiency reasons, we often use a capital letter to represent the random variable. In contrast, a lower case letter denotes a particular value of the random variable.
2.3 Expectation of random variables
If $x_1, x_2, …, x_N$ are the possible values of the random variable $X$, with corresponding probabilities $p(x_1), p(x_2), …, p(x_N)$, then:
\[E(X) = \mu = \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i p(x_i) = x_1 p_(x_1) + x_2 p(x_2) + … + x_N p(x_N).\]Note that the expected value is also referred to as the population mean, which can be written as $E(X)$ (in words ‘the expectation of the random variable X’) or $\mu$ (in words ‘the (population) mean of X’).
Expected value versus sample mean
The mean (expected value) $E(X)$ of a probability distribution is analogous to the sample mean (average) $\overline{X}$ of a sample distribution.
Suppose the random variable $X$ can have $K$ different values $X_1, …, X_K$, and their frequencies in a random sample are $f_1, …, f_K$, respectively. Therefore, the sample mean of $X$ is:
\[\overline{X} = \frac{f_1 x_1 + … + f_K x_K}{f_1 + … + f_K} = x_1 \hat{p}(x_1) + … + x_K \hat{p}(x_K) = \sum_{i=1}^K x_i \hat{p}(x_i)\]where:
\[\hat{p}(x_i) = \frac{f_i}{\sum_{i=1}^K f_i}\]are the sample proportions of the values $x_i$. The expected value of the random variable $X$ is:
\[E(X) = x_1 p_(x_1) + … + x_K p(x_K) = \sum_{i=1}^{K} x_i p(x_i).\]So $\overline{X}$ uses sample proportions, $\hat{p}(x_i)$, whereas $E(X)$ uses the population probabilities, $p(x_i)$.
2.4 Bayesian updating
Bayes’ theorem:
\[P(A|B) = \frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)}.\]$P(A)$ is a priori, $P(A|B)$ is the Bayesian updated probability (known as a conditional probability or a posteriori probability), where ‘|’ can be read as ‘given’, hence $A|B$ means ‘$A$ given $B$’.
If events $A$ and $B$ are mutually exclusive (they cannot occur simultaneously) and collectively exhaustive (such as a die score must be even or odd), then we can view $A$ as the $B$’s complementary event, denoted $B^c$, such that:
\[P(A) = P(B^c) = 1 - P(B)\]For a general partition1 of the sample space $S$ into $B_1, B_2, …, B_n$, and for some event $A$, then:
\[P(B_k|A) = \frac{P(A|B_k)P(B_k)}{\sum_{i=1}^n P(A|B_i)P(B_i)}.\]2.5 Parameters
Individual distributions within a family differ in having different values of the parameters of the distribution. The parameters determine the mean and variance of the distribution, values of probabilities from it etc.
In the statistical analysis of a random variable $X$ we typically:
- select a family of distributions based on the basic characteristics of $X$
- use observed data to choose (estimate) values for the parameters of the distribution, and perform statistical inference on them.
The Bernoulli distribution is the distribution of the outcome of a single Bernoulli trial, named after Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705). This is the distribution of a random variable $X$ with the following probability function:2
\[P(X=x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \pi^x (1 - \pi)^{1-x} & \text{for } x = 0, 1 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{array}\right.\]We could express this family of Bernoulli distributions in tabular for as follows:
$X = x$ | $0$ | $1$ |
$P(X = x)$ | $1 - \pi$ | $\pi$ |
where $0 \leq \pi \leq 1$ is the probability of ‘success’. Note that just as a sample space represents all possible values of a random variable, a parameter space represents all possible values of a parameter.
Such a random variable $X$ has a Bernoulli distribution with (probability) parameter $\pi$. This is often written as :
\[X \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\pi).\]If $X \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\pi)$, then we can determine its expected value, i.e. its mean, as the usual probability-weighted average:
\[E(X) = 0 \times (1 - \pi) + 1 \times \pi = \pi.\]Hence we can view $\pi$ as the long-run average (proportion) of successes if we were to draw a large random sample from this distribution.
Different members of this family of distribution differ in terms of the value of $\pi$.
2.6 The distribution zoo
Suppose we carry out $n$ Bernoulli trials such that:
- at each trial, the probability of success is $\pi$
- different trials are statistically independent events.
Let $X$ denote the total number of successes in these $n$ trials, then $X$ follows a binomial distribution with parameters $n$ and $\pi$, where $n \geq 1$ is a known integer and $0 \leq \pi \leq 1$. This is often written as:
\[X \sim \text{Bin}(n, \pi).\]If $X \sim \text{Bin}(n, \pi)$, then:
\[E(X) = n \pi.\]In general, the probability function of $X \sim \text{Bin}(n, \pi)$ is:
\[P(X = x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \binom{n}{x} \pi^x (1 - \pi)^{n-x} & \text{for } x = 0,1,...,n \\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{array} \right.\]where $\binom{n}{x}$ is the binomial coefficient - in short, the number of ways of choosing $x$ objects out of $n$ when sampling without replacement when the order of the objects does not matter.
$\binom{n}{x}$ can be calculated as:
\[\binom{n}{x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}\]where $k! = k \times (k - 1) \times … \times 3 \times 2 \times 1$, for an integer $k > 0$. Also note that $0! = 1$.
Poisson distribution
The possible values of the Poisson distribution are the non-negative integers 0, 1, 2, …
The probability function of the Poisson distribution is:
\[P(X = x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} e^{-\lambda}\lambda^{x}/x! & \text{for }x = 0,1,2,... \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\]where $\lambda > 0$ is a parameter, $e$ is the exponential constant ($e \approx 2.71828$) and $x!$ is ‘$x$ factorial’, defined earlier as:
\[x! = x \times x - 1 \times x - 2 \times … \times 3 \times 2 \times 1.\]If a random variable $X$ has a Poisson distribution with parameter $\lambda$, this is often denoted by:
\[X \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda) \quad \text{or} \quad X \sim \text{Pois}(\lambda).\]If $X \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda)$, then:
\[E(X) = \lambda\]Poisson distributions are used for counts of occurrences of various kinds. To give a formal motivation, suppose that we consider the number of occurrences of some phenomenon in time, and that the process which generate the occurrences satisfies the following conditions:
- The numbers of occurrences in any two disjoint intervals of time are independent of each other.
- The probability of two or more occurrences at the same time is negligibly small.
- The probability of one occurrence in any short time interval of length $t$ is $\lambda t$ for some constant $\lambda > 0$.
In essence, these state that individual occurrences should be independent, sufficiently rare, and happen at a constant rate $\lambda$ per unit of time. A process like this is a Poisson process.
If occurrences are generated by a Poisson process, then the number of occurrences in a randomly selected time interval of length $t = 1$, $X$, follows a Poisson distribution with mean $\lambda$, i.e. $X \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda)$.
The single parameter $\lambda$ of the Poisson distribution is, therefore, the $rate$ of occurrences per unit of time.
Connections between probability distributions
There are close connections between some probability distributions, even across different families of them:
- exact: one is exactly equal to another, for particular values of the parameters.
- approximate (or asymptotic): one is closely approximated by another under some limiting conditions.
Poisson approximation of the binomial distribution
Suppose that:
- $X \sim \text{Bin}(n, \pi)$.
- $n$ is large and $\pi$ is small.
Under such circumstances, the distribution of $X$ is well-approximated by a $\text{Poisson}(\lambda)$ distribution with $\lambda = n \pi$.
The connection is exact at the limit, i.e. $\text{Bin}(n,\pi) \to \text{Poisson}(\lambda)$ if $n \to \infty$ and $\pi \to 0$ in such a way that $n \pi = \lambda$ remains constant.
This ‘law of small numbers’ provides another motivation for the Poisson distribution.
3.1 Classify your variables
Measurable variable: there is a generally recognised method of determining its value. The numbers which we then obtain come ready-equipped with an order relation, i.e. we can always tell if two measurements are equal (to the available accuracy) or if one is greater or less than the other.
Data are obtained on any desired variable, which can be partitioned into two types:
- Discrete data: things you can count.
- Continuous data: things you can measure.
Categorical vs. Measurable variables
- Measurable variables
Categorical variables
- ordinal (categorical) variables: can be put in some sensible order.
- nominal (categorical) variables: cannot be put in any sensible order.
Nominal categorical variables
The numbers (values) serve only as labels or tags for identifying and classifying cases. When used for identification, there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between the numbers and cases.
Counting is the only arithmetic operation on values measured on a nominal scale.
- based on frequency counts, such as percentages and the mode
Ordinal categorical variables
An ordinal variable has a ranking scale in which numbers are assigned to cases to indicate the relative extent to which the cases possess some characteristic. It is possible to determine if a case has more or less of a characteristic than some other case, but not how much more or less.
Any series of numbers can be assigned which preserves the ordered relationships between the cases.
- based on frequency counts, such as percentages and the mode
- based on centiles, such as percentiles, quartiles and the median
Interval measurable variables
Interval-level variables have scales where numerically equal distances on the scale represent equal value differences in the characteristic being measured. The location of the zero point is not fixed - both the zero point and the units of measurement are arbitrary.
Any positive linear transformation of the form $y = a + bx$ will preserve the properties of the scale, hence it is not meaningful to take ratios of scale values.
- based on frequency counts, such as percentages and the mode
- based on centiles, such as percentiles, quartiles and the median
- in addition statistics, such as the mean and standard deviation
Ratio measurable variables
Ratio-level variable possess all the properties of nominal, ordinal and interval variables. A ratio variable has an absolute zero point and it is meaningful to compute ratios of scale values.
Only proportionate transformations of the form $y = bx$, where $b$ is a positive constant, are allowed.
All statistical techniques can be applied to ratio data.
3.2 Data visualisation
Statistical analysis may have two broad aims.
- Descriptive statistics: summarise the data which were collected, in order to make them more understandable.
- Statistical inference: use the observed data to draw conclusions about some broader population.
The statistical data in a sample are typically stored in a data matrix:
Country | region | democ | GDP |
Norway | 3 | 10 | 37.8 |
USA | 5 | 10 | 37.8 |
Switzerland | 3 | 10 | 32.7 |
Rows of the data matrix correspond to different units (subjects/observations). Here, each unit is a country.
The number of units in a dataset is the sample size, typically denoted by $n$. Here, $n = 155$ countries.
Columns of the data matrix correspond to variables, i.e. different characteristics of the units. Here, region, the level of democracy, and GDP per capita are the variables.
Sample distribution
The sample distribution of a variable consists of:
- a list of the values of the variable which are observed in the sample
- the number of times each value occurs (the counts or frequencies of the observed values).
Frequency table(when the number of different observed values is small): show the whole sample distribution of all the values and their frequencies.
Bar chart: the graphical equivalent of the table of frequencies.
Histogram(most common graph for a variable which has many distinct values): like a bar chart, but without gaps between bars, it often uses more bars (intervals of values) than is sensible in a table.
Associations between two variables
An association between the variables: whether some values of one variable tend to occur frequently together with particular values of another.
Some common methods of descriptive statistics for two-variables associations:
- ‘Many’ versus ‘many’: scatterplots.
- ‘Few’ versus ‘many’: side-by-side boxplots.
- ‘Few’ versus ‘few’: two-way contingency tables (cross-tabulations).
A scatterplots shows the values of two measurable variables against each other, plotted as points in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
Boxplots are useful for comparisons of how the distribution of how the distribution of a measurabel variable varies across different groups, i.e. across different levels of a categorical variable.
A (two-way) contingency table (or cross-tabulation) shows the frequencies in the sample of each possible combination of the values of two categorical variables. Such tables often show the percentages within each row or column of the table.
3.3 Descriptive statistics - measures of central tendency
Summary (descriptive) statistics: summarise (describe) one feature of the sample distribution in a single number.
Measures of central tendency: where is the ‘centre’ or ‘average’ of the distribution.
- mean (i.e. the average, sample mean or arithmetic mean)
- median
- mode
Notation for variables
In formulae, a generic variable is denoted by a single letter. A letter with a subscript denotes a single observation of a variable.
The sample mean
\[\overline{X} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i}{n} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i.\]Why is the mean a good summary of the central tendency?
\[\sum_{i=1}^{n} (X_i - \overline{X}) = 0.\]When summed over all the observations, positive and negative values of the deviations $X_i - \overline{X}$ cancel out.
Also, the smallest possible value of the sum of squared deviations $\sum_{i=1}^{n} (X_i - C)^2$ for any constant $C$ is obtained when $C = \overline{X}$.
The sample median
Let $X_{(1)}, X_{(2)}, …, X_{(n)}$ denote the sample vales of $X$ when ordered from the smallest to the largest, known as the order statistics, such that:
- $X_{(1)}$ is the smallest observed value (the minimum) of $X$
- $X_{(n)}$ is the largest observed value (the maximum) of $X$.
The (sample) median, $q_{50}$, of a variable $X$ is the value which is ‘in the middle’ of the ordered sample.
If $n$ is odd, then $q_{50} = X_{((n+1)/2)}$.
If $n$ is even, then $q_{50} = (X_{(n/2)} + X_{(n/2 + 1)})/2$.
Sensitivity to outliers
In general, the mean is affected much more than the median by outliers, i.e. unusually small or large observations.
- For a positively-skewed distribution, the mean is larger than the median.
- For a negatively-skewed distribution, the mean is smaller than the median.
- For an exactly symmetric distribution, the mean and median are equal.
The sample mode
The (sample) mode of a variable is the value which has the highest frequency (i.e. appears most often) in the data.
A variable can have several modes (i.e. be multimodal). The mode is the only measure of central tendency which can be used even when the values of a variable have no ordering.
3.4 Descriptive statistics - measures of spread
Variance and standard deviation
The first measures of dispersion, the sample variance and its square root, the sample standard deviation, are based on $(X_i - \overline{X})^2$, i.e. the squared deviations from the mean.
The sample variance of a variable X, denoted $S^2$ (or $S_X^2$), is defined as:
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - \overline{X})^2.\]The sample standard deviation of $X$, denoted $S$ (or $S_X$), is the positive square root of the sample variance:
\[S = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - \overline{X})^2}.\]A useful rule-of-thumb for interpretation is that for many symmetric distribution, such as the ‘normal’ distribution:
- about 2/3 of the observations are between $\overline{X}-S$ and $\overline{X}+S$, within one (sample) standard deviation about the (sample) mean
- about 95% of the observations are between $\overline{X}-2 \times S$ and $\overline{X} + 2 \times S$, that is, within two (sample) standard deviations about the (sample) mean.
Sample quantiles
The median, $q_{50}$, is basically the value which divides the sample into the smallest 50% of observations and the largest 50%. If we consider other percentage splits, we get other (sample) quantiles (percentiles), $q_c$. Some special quantiles are given below.
- The first quartile, $q_{25}$ or $Q_1$, is the value which divides the sample into the smallest 25% of observations and the largest 75%.
- The third quartile, $q_{75}$ or $Q_{3}$, gives the 75%-25% split.
- The extremes in this spirit are the minimum, $X_{(1)}$ (the ‘0% quantile’, to speak), and the maximum, $X_{(n)}$ (the ‘100% quantile’).
- range: $X_{(n)} - X_{(1)} = \text{maximum} - \text{minimum}$
- interquartile range (IQR): $\text{IQR} = q_{75} - q_{25} = Q_3 - Q_1$.
Range | IQR | |
Sensitivity to Outliers | $\checkmark$ | $\times$ |
A boxplot (in full, a box-and-whiskers plot) summarises some key features of a sample distribution using quantiles. The plot is comprised of the following.
- The line inside the box, which is the median.
- The box, whose edges are the first and third quartiles ($Q_1$ and $Q_3$). Hence the box captures the middle 50% of the data. Therefore, the length of the box is the interquartile range.
- The bottom whisker extends either to the minimum or up to a length of 1.5 times the interquartile range below the first quartile, whichever is closer to the first quartile.
- The top whisker extends either to the maximum or up to a length of 1.5 times the interquartile range above the third quartile, whichever is closer to the third quartile.
- Points beyond 1.5 times the interquartile range below the first quartile or above the third quartile are regarded as outliers, and plotted as individual points.
A much longer whisker (and/or outliers) in one direction relative to the other indicates a skewed distribution, as does a median line not in the middle of the box. The boxplot below is of GDP per capita using the sample of 155 counties.
3.5 The normal distribution
The normal distribution is by far the most important probability distribution in statistics. This is for three broad reason.
- Many variables have distributions which are approximately normal
- The normal distribution has extremely convenient mathematical properties, which make it a useful default choice of distribution in many contexts.
- Even when a variable is not itself even approximately normally distributed, functions of several observations of the variable(‘sampling distributions’) are often approximately normal, due to the central limit theorem. Because of this, the normal distribution has a crucial role in statistical inference.
The equation of the normal distribution curve is:
\[f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma ^2}} \exp \left[ -\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma ^2} \right] \quad \text{for } - \infty < x < \infty\]where $\pi$ is the mathematical constant (i.e. $\pi=3.14159…$), and $\pi$ and $\sigma^2$ are parameters, with $- \infty < \mu < \infty $ and $\sigma^2 > 0$.
A random variable $X$ with this function is said to have a normal distribution with a mean of $\mu$ and a variance of $\sigma^2$, denoted $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$. The mean can also be inferred from the observation that the normal distribution is symmetric about $\mu$, which also implies that the median of the normal distribution is $\mu$.
- The mean $\mu$ determines the location of the curve.
- The variance $\sigma^2$ determines the dispersion (spread) of the curve.
The figure below shows three normal distributions with different means and/or variances.
Linear transformation of the normal distribution
If $X$ is normally distributed, then so is the $\text{linear transformation } Y = aX + b$, where $a$ and $b$ are constants. In other words, if $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, then:
\[Y = aX + b \sim N(a\mu + b, a^2\sigma^2).\]This type of result is not true in general. For other families of distributions, the distribution of $Y = aX + b$ is not always in the same family as $X$.
The transformed variable $Z = (X - \mu)/\sigma$ is known as a standardised variable of a z-score.
The distribution of the $z$-score is $N(0, 1)$, i.e. the normal distribution with mean $\mu = 0$ and variance $\sigma^2 = 1$ (and, therefore, a standard deviation of $\sigma = 1$). This is known as the standard normal distribution.
The figure below shows tail probabilities for the standard normal distribution. The shaded areas are $P(Z \leq -z) = P(Z \geq z)$, by symmetry of the distribution about zero.
3.6 Variance of random variables
We distinguished between two different types of variance:
- the sample variance, $S^2$, which is a measure of the dispersion in a sample dataset
- the population variance, $\text{var}(X) = \sigma^2$, which reflects the variance of the whole population, i.e. the variance of a probability distribution.
The dispersion of a (discrete) probability distribution:
\[\sigma^2 = \text{Var}(X) = \text{E}((X - \mu)^2) = \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \mu)^2p(x_i)\] \[P(a < X \leq b) = P(\frac{a - \mu}{\sigma} < \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma} \leq \frac{b - \mu}{\sigma}) = P(\frac{a - \mu}{\sigma} < Z \leq \frac{b - \mu}{\sigma}) \\ = \Phi(\frac{b - \mu}{\sigma}) - \Phi(\frac{a - \mu}{\sigma})\]where $\Phi (k) = P(Z \leq k)$ for some value $k$ and is known as a cumulative probability. This process is known as standardisation.
Some probabilities around the mean
\[P(-1 \leq Z \leq 1) \approx 0.683\] \[P(-2 \leq Z \leq 2) \approx 0.950\] \[P(-3 \leq Z \leq 3) \approx 0.997\]Hence, on a standardised basis, it is very easy to determine whether a value is ‘extreme’, as only 5% of the time would a standardised value be expected to be beyond $\pm 2$ (which we could classify as an outlier), and only 0.3% of the time beyond $\pm 3$ (which we could classify as an extreme outlier). Values beyond four standard deviations from the mean (i.e. beyond $\pm 4$ on a standardised scale) could be considered as black swan events.
4.1 Introduction to sampling
Sampling is a key component of any research design. The key to the use of statistics is being able to take data from a sample and make inferences about about a large population. This idea is depicted below.
Sample or census?
- Population - The aggregate of all the elements, sharing some common set of characteristics, which comprise the universe for the purpose of the problem being investigated.
- Census - A complete enumeration of the elements of a population or study objects.
- Sample - A subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study.
Whether a sample of a census?
- A census is very costly.
- A sample is far quicker to collect.
- If the population is small, it is feasible to conduct a census.
- If the variance is large, a census would be more appropriate.
- A census would appeal more if the consequences of making sampling errors are extreme.
- If non-sampling errors are costly then a sample is better.
- Measuring sampled elements may result in the destruction of the object.
- If we want to focus on detail, then time and budget constraints would favour a sample.
The conditions which favour the use of a sample or census are summarised in the table below. Of course, in practice, some of our factors may favour a sample while others favour a census, in which case a balanced judgement is required.
Factors | Sample | Census |
Budget | Small | Large |
Time available | Short | Long |
Population size | Large | Small |
Variance of the characteristic | Small | Large |
Cost of sampling errors | Low | High |
Cost of non-sampling errors | High | Low |
Nature of measurement | Destructive | Non-destructive |
Attention to individual cases | Yes | No |
Classification of sampling techniques
Target population: the collection of elements or objects which possess the information sought by the researcher and about which inferences are to be made.
Sampling techniques:
- non-probability sampling techniques
- probability sampling techniques
Non-probability sampling techniques
Some units in the population do not have a chance of selection in the sample, other individual units in the population have an unknown probability of being selected. There is also an inability to measure sampling error.
Convenience sampling
Convenience sampling attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements (hence the name!). Often, respondents are selected because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.
Judgemental sampling
The population elements are selected based on the judgement of the researcher.
Quota sampling
Quota sampling may be viewed as two-stage restricted judgemental sampling:
- The fist stage: develop control categories, or quota controls, of population elements.
- The second stage: select sample elements based on convenience or judgement.
Snowball sampling
In snowball sampling an initial group of respondents is selected, usually at random. After being interviewed, these respondents are asked to identify others who belong to the target population of interest. Subsequent respondents are selected based on these referrals.
Types | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Convenience sampling | cheapest, quickest and most convenient | selection bias and lack of a representative sample |
Judgemental sampling | low cost, convenient, not particularly time-consuming and good for ‘exploratory’ research designs | not allow generalisations and is subjective due to the judgement of the researcher |
Quota sampling | can control a sample for certain characteristics | it suffers from selection bias and there is no guarantee of representativeness of the sample |
Snowball sampling | increase the chance of locating the desired characteristic in the population | time-consuming |
4.2 Random sampling
Sample surveys (hereafter ‘surveys’) are how new data are collected on a population and tend to be based on samples rather than a census.
Sampling error will occur (since not all population units are observed). However, non-sampling error should be less since resources can be used to ensure high quality interviews or to check completed questionnaires.
Types of error
- Sampling error occurs as a result of us selecting a sample, rather than performing
a census.
- random variation due to the sampling scheme used.
- For probability sampling, we can estimate the statistical properties of the sampling error.
- Non-sampling error: a result of (inevitable) failures of the sampling scheme.
- Selection bias:
- the sampling frame not being equal to the target population
- in cases where the sampling scheme is not strictly adhered to
- non-response bias
- Response bias: wrong measurements or interviewer bias.
- Selection bias:
Both kinds of error can be controlled or allowed for more effectively by a pilot survey. A pilot survey is used:
- to find the standard error
- to sort out non-sampling questions
Probability sampling
Probability sampling techniques mean every population element has a known, non-zero probability of being selected in the sample. Probability sampling makes it possible to estimate the margins of sampling error, therefore all statistical techniques can be applied.
In order to perform probability sampling, we need a sampling frame which is a list of all population elements. However, we need to consider whether the sampling frame is:
- adequate (does it represent the target population?)
- complete (are there any missing units, or duplications?)
- accurate (are we researching dynamic populations?)
- convenient (is the sampling frame readily accessible?)
Simple random sampling (SRS)
In a simple random sample each element in the population has a known and equal probability of selection. This implies that every element is selected independently of every other element.
SRS is simple to understand and results are readily projectable. However, there may be difficulty constructing the sampling frame, lower precision (relative to other probability sampling methods) and there is no guarantee of sample representativeness.
4.3 Further random sampling
Systematic sampling
In systematic sampling, the sample is chose by selecting a random starting point and then picking every $i$th element in succession from the sampling frame. The sampling interval, $i$, is determined by dividing the population size, $N$, by the sample size, $n$, and rounding to the nearest integer.
When the ordering of the elements is related to the characteristic of interest, systematic sampling increase the representativeness of the sample. If the ordering of the elements produces a cyclical pattern, systematic sampling may actually decrease the representativeness of the sample. It is easier to implement relative to SRS.
Stratified sampling
Stratified sampling is a two-step process in which the population is partitioned (divided up) into subpopulations known as strata (‘strata’ is the plural of ‘stratum’).
The strata should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive in that every population element should be assigned to one and only one stratum and no population elements should be omitted. Next, elements are selected from each stratum by a random procedure, usually SRS.
A major objective of stratified sampling is to increase the precision of statistical inference without increasing cost.
The elements within a stratum should be as homogeneous as possible (i.e. as similar as possible), but the elements between strata should be as heterogeneous as possible (i.e. as different as possible). The stratification factors should also be closely related to the characteristic of interest.
Finally, the factors (variables) should decrease the cost of the stratification process by being easy to measure and apply.
In proportionate stratified sampling, the size of the sample drawn from each stratum is proportional to the relative size of that stratum in the total population. In disproportionate (optimal) stratified sampling, the size of the sample from each stratum is proportional to the relative size of that stratum and to the standard deviation of the distribution of the characteristic of interest among all the elements in that stratum.
Stratified sampling includes all important subpopulations and ensures a high level of precision. However, sometimes it might be difficult to select relevant stratification factors and the stratification process itself might not be feasible in practice if it was not known to which stratum each population element belonged.
Cluster sampling
In cluster sampling the target population is first divided into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive subpopulations known as clusters. A random sample of clusters is then selected, based on a probability sampling technique such as SRS. For each selected cluster, either all the elements are included in the sample (one-stage cluster sampling), or a sample of elements is drawn probabilistically (two-stage cluster sampling).
Elements within a cluster should be as heterogeneous as possible, but clusters themselves should be as homogeneous as possible. Ideally, each cluster should be a small-scale representation of the population. In probability proportionate to size sampling, the clusters are sampled with probability proportional to size. In the second stage, the probability of selecting a sampling unit in a selected cluster varies inversely with the size of the cluster.
Cluster sampling is easy to implement and cost effective. However, the technique suffers from a lack of precision and it can be difficult to compute and interpret results.
Multistage sampling
In multistage sampling selection is performed at two or more successive stages. This technique is often adopted in large surveys. At the first stage, large ‘compound’ units are sampled (primary units), and several sampling stages of this type may be performed until we at last sample the basic units.
The technique is commonly used in cluster sampling so that we are at first sampling the main clusters, and then clusters within clusters etc. We can also use multistage sampling with mixed techniques, i.e. cluster sampling at Stage 1 and stratified sampling at Stage 2 etc.
4.4 Sampling distributions
A simple random sample is a sample selected by a process where every possible sample (of the same size, $n$) has the same probability of selection. The selection process is left to chance, therefore eliminating the effect of selection bias. Due to the random selection mechanism, we do not know (in advance) which sample will occur. Every population element has a known, non-zero probability of selection in the sample, but no element is certain to appear.
A population has particular characteristics of interest such as the mean, $\mu$, and variance, $\sigma^2$. Collectively, we refer to these characteristics as parameters. If we do not have population data, the parameter values will be unknown.
‘Statistical inference’ is the process of estimating the (unknown) parameter values using the (known) sample data.
We use a statistic (called an estimator) calculated from sample observations to provide a point estimate of a parameter.
The sampling distribution of $\overline{X}$ is a frequency distribution which is the frequency of each possible value of $\overline{x}$. It is a central and vital concept in statistics, and can be used to evaluate how ‘good’ an estimator is. Specifically, we care about how ‘close’ the estimator is to the population parameter of interest.
$\overline{X}$ (which is a random variable) is our estimator of $\mu$, and the observed value of $\overline{X}$, denoted $\overline{x}$, is a point estimate.
4.5 Sampling distribution of the sample mean
An important difference between a sampling distribution and other distributions is that the values in a sampling distribution are summary measures of whole samples (i.e. statistics, or estimators) rather than individual observations.
Formally, the mean of a sampling distribution is called the expected value of the estimator, denoted by $\text{E}(.)$.
An unbiased estimator has its expected value equal to the parameter being estimated.
Fortunately, the sample mean $\overline{X}$ is always an unbiased estimator of $\mu$ in simple random sampling, regardless of the:
- sample size, $n$
- distribution of the (parent) population.
Ideally, the possible values of the estimator should not vary much around the true parameter value. So, we seek an estimator with a small variance.
Recall the variance is defined to be the mean of the squared deviations about the mean of the distribution. In the case of sampling distributions, it is referred to as the sampling variance.
For population size N and sample size n, we note the following result when sampling without replacement (once an object has been chosen it cannot be selected again):
\[\text{Var}(\overline{X}) = \frac{N - n}{N - 1} \times \frac{\sigma^2}{n}.\]We use the term standard error to refer to the standard deviation of the sampling distribution, so:
\[\text{S.E.}(\overline{X}) = \sqrt{\text{Var}(\overline{X})}= \sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}\times\frac{\sigma^2}{n}} = \sigma_{\overline{X}}.\]Some implications are the following.
- As the sample size $n$ increases, the sampling variance decreases, i.e. the precision increases. 3
- Provided the sampling fraction, $n/N$, is small, the term: \(\frac{N-n}{N-1} \approx 1\) so can be ignored. Therefore, the precision depends effectively on $n$ only.
When sampling without replacement, increasing $n$ must increase precision since less of the population is left out. In much practical sampling $N$ is very large (for example, several million), while $n$ is comparably small (at most 1,000, say).
Therefore, in such cases the factor $(N - n)/(N - 1)$ is close to 1, hence:
\[\text{Var}(\overline{X}) = \frac{N-n}{N-1}\times\frac{\sigma^2}{n} \approx \frac{\sigma^2}{n} = \frac{\text{Var}(X)}{n}\]for small $n/N$. When $N$ is large, it is the sample size $n$ which is important in determining precision, not the sampling fraction.
Sampling from the normal distribution
When the distribution of $X$ is normal, the sampling distribution of $\overline{X}$ is also normal.
4.6 Confidence intervals
A point estimate (such as a sample mean, $\overline{x}$) is our ‘best guess’ of an unknown population parameter (such as a population mean, $\mu$) based on sample data.
\[\text{E}(\overline{X}) = \mu\]meaning that the sample mean is equal to the population mean, as it is based on a sample there is some uncertainty (imprecision) in the accuracy of the estimate. Different random samples would tend to lead to different observed sample means. Confidence intervals communicate the level of imprecision by converting a point estimate into an interval estimate.
Formally, an x% confidence interval covers the unknown parameter with x% probability over repeated samples. The shorter the confidence interval, the more reliable the estimate.
As we shall see, this is achievable by:
- reducing the level of confidence (undesirable)
- increasing the sample size (costly).
If we assume we have either i. known $\sigma$, or ii. unknown $\sigma$ but a large sample size, say $n \geq 50$, then the formulae for the endpoints of a confidence interval for a single mean are:
\[\text{i.}\quad \overline{x} \pm z \times \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \quad \text{and} \quad \text{ii.} \quad \overline{x} \pm z \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}.\]Here $\overline{x}$ is the sample mean, $\sigma$ is the population standard deviation, $s$ is the sample standard deviation, $n$ is the sample size and $z$ is the confidence coefficient, reflecting the confidence level.
Influences on the margin of error
More simply, we can view the confidence interval for a mean as:
\[\text{best guess} \pm \text{margin of error}\]where $\overline{x}$ is the best guess, and the margin of error is:
\[\text{i.}\quad z \times \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \quad \text{and} \quad \text{ii.} \quad z \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}.\]Therefore, we see that there are three influences on the size of the margin of error (and hence on the width of the confidence interval). Specifically:
\[\text{as }n \uparrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{margin of error} \downarrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{width} \downarrow\] \[\text{as }\sigma \uparrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{margin of error} \uparrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{width} \uparrow\] \[\text{as confidence level} \uparrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{margin of error} \uparrow \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{width} \uparrow\]Confidence coefficients
For a 95% confidence interval, z = 1.96, leading to:
\[\text{i.}\quad \overline{x} \pm 1.96 \times \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \quad \text{and} \quad \text{ii.} \quad \overline{x} \pm 1.96 \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}.\]Other levels of confidence pose no problem, but require a different confidence coefficient. For large n, we obtain this coefficient from the standard normal distribution.
- For 90% confidence, use the confidence coefficient z = 1.645.
- For 95% confidence, use the confidence coefficient z = 1.960.
- For 99% confidence, use the confidence coefficient z = 2.576.
5.1 Statistical juries
Hypothesis testing: decision theory whereby we make a binary decision between two competing hypotheses:
\[\text{H}_0 = \text{the null hypothesis} \quad \text{and} \quad \text{H}_1 = \text{the alternative hypothesis.}\]The binary decision is whether to ‘reject $\text{H}_0$’ or ‘fail to reject $\text{H}_0$’.
5.2 Type I and Type II errors
In any hypothesis test there are two types of inferential decision error which could be committed.
- Type I error: rejecting $\text{H}_0$ when it is true. This can be thought of as a ‘false positive’. Denote the probability of this type of error by $\alpha$.
- Type II error: failing to reject $\text{H}_0$ when it is false. This can be thought of as a ‘false negative’. Denote the probability of this type of error by $\beta$.
Type I error is usually considered to be more problematic.4
The possible decision space can be presented as:
True state of nature | $\text{H}_0$ not rejected | $\text{H}_0$ rejected |
$\text{H}_0$ true | Correct decision | Type I error |
$\text{H}_1$ true | Type II error | Correct decision |
The complement of a Type II error, that is 1 − $\beta$, is called the power of the test – the probability that the test will reject a false null hypothesis. Hence power measures the ability of the test to reject a false $\text{H}_0$, and so we seek the most powerful test for any testing situation.
Unlike $\alpha$, we do not control test power. However, we can increase it by increasing the sample size, $n$ (a larger sample size will inevitably improve the accuracy of our statistical inference).
These concepts can be summarised as conditional probabilities.
True state of nature | $\text{H}_0$ not rejected | $\text{H}_0$ rejected |
$\text{H}_0$ true | $1 - \alpha$ | $P(\text{Type I error}) = \alpha$ |
$\text{H}_1$ true | $P(\text{Type II error}) = \beta$ | $\text{Power} = 1 - \beta$ |
If you decrease $\alpha$ you increase $\beta$ and vice-versa. Hence there is a trade-off.
Significance level
In general we test at the $100\alpha\%$ significance level, for $\alpha \in [0, 1]$. The default choice is $\alpha = 0.05$, i.e. we test at the 5% significance level. Of course, this value of $\alpha$ is subjective, and a different significance level may be chosen. The severity of a Type I error in the context of a specific hypothesis test might for example justify a more conservative or liberal choice for $\alpha$.
In fact, we could view the significance level as the complement of the confidence level.5 For example:
- a 90% confidence level equates to a 10% significance level
- a 95% confidence level equates to a 5% significance level
- a 99% confidence level equates to a 1% significance level.
5.3 $P$-values, effect size and sample size influences
A $p$-value is the probability of the event that the ‘test statistic’ takes the observed value or more extreme (i.e. more unlikely) values under $\text{H}_0$. It is a measure of the discrepancy between the hypothesis $\text{H}_0$ and the data evidence.
- A ‘small’ $p$-value indicates that $\text{H}_0$ is not supported by the data.
- A ‘large’ $p$-value indicates that $\text{H}_0$ is not inconsistent with the data.
So $p$-values may be seen as a risk measure of rejecting $\text{H}_0$.
A small probability event would be very unlikely to occur in a single experiment. Remember:
\[\text{not reject} \neq \text{accept}\]Interpretation of $p$-values
In practice the statistical analysis of data is performed by computers using statistical or econometric software packages. Regardless of the specific hypothesis being tested, the execution of a hypothesis test by a computer returns a $p$-value. Fortunately, there is a universal decision rule for $p$-values.
Section 5.2 explained that we control for the probability of a Type I error through our choice of significance level, $\alpha$, where $\alpha \in [0, 1]$. Since $p$-values are also probabilities, as defined above, we simply compare $p$-values with our chosen benchmark significance level, $\alpha$.
The $p$-value decision rule is shown below for $\alpha$ = 0.05:
Our decision is to reject $\text{H}_0$ if the $p$-value is $\leq \alpha$. Otherwise, $\text{H}_0$ is not rejected.
Clearly, the magnitude of the $p$-value (compared with $\alpha$) determines whether or not $\text{H}_0$ is rejected. Therefore, it is important to consider two key influences on the magnitude of the $p$-value: the effect size and the sample size.
Effect size influence
The effect size reflects the difference between what you would expect to observe if the null hypothesis is true and what is actually observed in a random experiment. Equality between our expectation and observation would equate to a zero effect size, which (while not proof that $\text{H}_0$ is true) provides the most convincing evidence in favour of $\text{H}_0$. As the difference between our expectation and observation increases, the data evidence becomes increasingly inconsistent with $\text{H}_0$ making us more likely to reject $\text{H}_0$. Hence as the effect size gets larger, the $p$-value gets smaller (and so is more likely to be below $\alpha$).
Sensitivity analysis: we consider the pure influence of the effect size on the $p$-value while controlling for (fixing) the sample size.
Sample size influence
Other things equal, a larger sample size should lead to a more representative random sample and the characteristics of the sample should more closely resemble those of the population distribution from which the sample is drawn.
As such, we consider the sample size influence on the $p$-value. For a non-zero effect size6 the $p$-value decreases as the sample size increases.
In Section 5.2, we defined the power of the test as the probability that the test will reject a false null hypothesis. In order to reject the null hypothesis it is necessary to have a sufficiently small p-value (less than $\alpha$), hence we see that we can unilaterally increase the power of a test by increasing the sample size. Of course, the trade-off would be the increase in data collection costs!
5.4 Testing a population mean claim
We consider the hypothesis test of a population mean in the context of a claim made by a manufacturer.
As an example, the amount of water in mineral water bottles exhibits slight variations attributable to the bottle-filling machine at the factory not putting in identical quantities of water in each bottle. The labels on each bottle may state ‘1000ml’ but this equates to a claim about the average contents of all bottles produced (in the population of bottles).
Calculation of the sample mean from the raw observations
A random sample of $n=12$ bottles resulted in the measurements (in ml): 992, 1002, 1000, 1001, 998, 999, 1000, 995, 1003, 1001, 997 and 997.
Calculate the sample mean in our random sample:
\[\overline{x} = \frac{992+1002+1000+1001+998+999+1000+995+1003+1001+997+997}{12} = 998.75\]Formulation of the hypotheses, $\text{H}_0$ and $\text{H}_1$
It is assumed that the true variance of water in all bottles is $\sigma^2 = 1.5$, and that the amount of water in bottles is normally distributed. Let $X$ denote the quantity of water in a bottle such that:
\[X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\]and we wish to test:
\[\text{H}_{0}: \mu = 1000 \text{ml} \quad \text{vs.} \quad \text{H}_{1}: \mu \neq 1000ml.\]The question is whether the difference between $\overline{x} = 998.75$ and the claim $\mu = 1000$ is:
(a) due to sampling error (and hence $\text{H}_0$ is true)?
(b) statistically significant (and hence $\text{H}_1$ is true)?
Determination of the $p$-value will allow us to choose between explanations (a) and (b).
Calculation of the test statistic value
We proceed by standardising $\overline{X}$ such that:
\[Z = \frac{\overline{X}-\mu}{\sigma/\sqrt{n}} \sim N(0,1)\]acts as our test statistic. Note the test statistic includes the effect size, $\overline{X}-\mu$, as well as sample size, $n$.
Using our sample data, we now obtain the test statistic value (noting the influence of both the effect size and the sample size, and hence ultimately the influence on the $p$-value):
\[\frac{1000 - 998.75}{\sqrt{1.5}/\sqrt{12}} \approx 3.5.\]Calculation of the $p$-value
The $p$-value is the probability of our test statistic value or a more extreme value conditional on $\text{H}_0$. Noting that $\text{H}_1:\mu \neq 1000$, ‘more extreme’ here means a $z$-score > 3.5 and < -3.5. Due to the symmetry of the standard normal distribution about zero, this can be expressed as:
\[p\text{-value} = P(Z \geq \mid 3.5 \mid) = 0.00046.\]A decision of whether or not to reject $\text{H}_{0}$
Recall the $p$-value decision rule, and since 0.00046 < 0.05 we reject $\text{H}_0$ and conclude that the result ‘statistically significant’ at the 5% significance level (and also, of course, at the 1% significance level).
An inferential conclusion about what the test result means
Hence there is (strong) evidence that $\mu \neq 1000$. Since $\overline{x} < \mu$ we might go further and suppose that $\mu < 1000$.
Indication of which type of error might have occurred
As we have rejected $\text{H}_0$ this means of two things:
- we have correctly rejected $\text{H}_0$
- we have committed a Type I error.
Although the $p$-value is very small, indicating it is highly unlikely that is a Type I error, unfortunately we cannot be certain which outcome has actually occurred!
5.5 The central limit theorem
In essence, the central limit theorem (CLT) states that the normal sampling distribution of $\overline{X}$ which holds exactly for random samples from a normal distribution, also holds approximately for random samples from nearly any distribution.
The CLT applies to ‘nearly any’ distribution because it requires that the variance of the population distribution is finite. If it is not, the CLT does not hold. However, such distributions are not common.
Suppose that ${X_1, X_2, …, X_n}$ is a random sample from a population distribution which has mean $\text{E}(X_i) = \mu < \infty$ and variance $\text{Var}(X_i) = \sigma^2 < \infty$, that is with a finite mean and finite variance. Let $\overline{X}_n$ denote the sample mean calculated from a random sample of size $n$, then:
\[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} P(\frac{\overline{X}_n - \mu}{\sigma/\sqrt{n}} \leq z) = \Phi(z)\]for any $z$, where $\Phi(z) = P(Z \leq z)$ denotes a cumulative probability of the standard normal distribution.
The ’$\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}$’ indicates that this is an asymptotic result, i.e. one which holds increasingly well as $n$ increases, and exactly when the sample size is infinite.
The wide reach of the CLT
It may appear that the CLT is still somewhat limited, in that it applies only to sample means calculated from random samples. However, this is not really true, for two main reasons.
- There are more general versions of the CLT which do not require the observations $X_i$ to be independent and identically distributed (IID).
- Even the basic version applies very widely, when we realise that the ‘$X$’ can also be a function of the original variables in the data.
Therefore, the CLT can also be used to derive sampling distributions for many statistics which do not initially look at all like $\overline{X}$ for a single random variable in a random sample.
How large is ‘large n’?
For many distributions, $n > 50$ is sufficient for the approximation to be reasonably accurate.
5.6 Proportions: confidence intervals and hypothesis testing
The (approximate) sampling distribution of the sample proportion:
\[\overline{X} = P \rightarrow N(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{n}) = N(\pi, \frac{\pi(1 - \pi)}{n})\]as $n \rightarrow \infty$.
We will now use this result to conduct statistical inference for proportions.
Confidence intervals
A confidence interval for a proportion is given by:
\[p \pm z \times \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}.\]Hypothesis testing
We proceed by standardising P such that:
\[Z = \frac{P - \pi}{\sqrt{\pi(1 - \pi)/n}} \sim N(0, 1)\]6.1 Decision tree analysis
Decision tree analysis is an interesting modelling technique which allow us to incorporate probabilities in the decision-making process to model and quantify the uncertainty.
Decision analysis: there is only one rational decision-maker making non-strategic decisions.
Game theory: two or more rational decision-makers making strategic decisions.
A standard decision tree consists of the following components:
- Decision nodes indicate that the decision-maker has to make a choice, denoted $\square$.
- Chance nodes indicate the resolution of uncertainty, denoted $\bigcirc$.
- Branches represent the choices available to the decision-maker (if leading from decision nodes) or the possible outcomes if uncertainty is resolved (leading from chance nodes).
- Probabilities are written at the branches leading from chance nodes.
- Payoffs are written at the end of the final branches.
A decision tree has the following properties:
- No loops.
- One initial node.
- At most one branch between any two nodes.
- Connected paths.
- At a decision node the decision-maker has information on all preceding events, in particular on the resolution of uncertainty.
In order to solve the decision tree we calculate the expected monetary value (EMV) of each option (advertise and not advertise) and proceed whereby the decision-maker maximises expected profits.
The EMV is simply an expected value, and so in this discrete setting we apply our usual probability-weighted average approach. Hence the optimal (recommended) strategy is to advertise, since this results in a higher expected payoff.
6.2 Risk
In practice people care about risk and tend to factor it into their decision making. Of course, different people have different attitudes to risk so we can profile people’s risk appetite as follows.
Degrees of risk aversion
A decision-maker is risk-averse if s/he prefers the certain outcome of £x over a risky project with a mean (EMV) of £x.
A decision-maker is risk-loving (also known as risk-seeking) if s/he prefers a risky project with a mean (EMV) of £x over the certain outcome of £x.
A decision-maker is risk-neutral if s/he is indifferent between a sure payoff and an uncertain outcome with the same expected monetary value.
The certainty equivalent (CE) of a risky project is the amount of money which makes the decision-maker indifferent between receiving this amount for sure and the risky project.
Risk premium
The risk premium (of a risky project) is defined as:
\[\text{EMV} - \text{CE}.\]Interpretation: The amount of money the decision-maker is willing to pay to receive a safe payoff of $X$ rather than face the risky project with an expected payoff of $X$.
Risk profiles can be determined using the following:
\[\text{EMV} > \text{CE} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{risk-averse}\] \[\text{EMV} = \text{CE} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{risk-neutral}\] \[\text{EMV} < \text{CE} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{risk-loving.}\]If risk-neutral, the decision-maker uses the EMV criterion as seen in Section 6.1.
6.3 Linear regression
Linear regression analysis is one of the most frequently-used statistical techniques. It aims to model an explicit relationship between one dependent variable, denote as $y$, and one or more regressors (also covariates, or independent variables), denoted as $x_1,…,x_p$.
The goal of regression analysis is to understand how $y$ depends on $x_1,…,x_p$ and to predict or control the unobserved $y$ based on the observed $x_1,…,x_p$.
In a university town, the sales, $y$, of 10 pizza parlour restaurants are closely to the student population, $x$, in their neighbourhoods.
The scatterplot above shows the sales (in thousands of pounds) in a period of three months together with the numbers of students (in thousands) in their neighbourhoods.
We plot $y$ against $x$, and draw a straight line through the middle of the data points:
\[y = \alpha + \beta x + \epsilon\]where $\epsilon$ stands for a random error term, $\alpha$ is the intercept and $\beta$ is the slope of the straight line.
For a given student population, $x$, the predicted sales are:
\[\hat{y} = \alpha + \beta x.\]Some other possible examples of $y$ and $x$ are shown in the following table:
$y$ | $x$ |
Sales | Price |
Weight gain | Protein in diet |
Present FTSE 100 index | Past FTSE 100 index |
Consumption | Income |
Salary | Tenure |
Daughter’s height | Mother’s height |
The simple linear regression model
We now present the simple linear regression model. Let the paired observations $(x_1,y_1),…,(x_n,y_n)$ be drawn from the model:
\[y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + \epsilon_i\]where:
\[\text{E}(\epsilon_i) = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \text{Var}(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2 > 0.\]So the model has three parameters: $\beta_0$, $\beta_1$ and $\sigma^2$. In a formal course on regression you would consider the following questions:
- How to draw a line through data clouds, i.e. how to $\alpha$ and $\beta$?
- How accurate is the fitted line?
- What is the error in predicting a future $y$?
We can apply the simple linear regression model to study the relationship between two series of financial returns – a regression of a stock’s returns, $y$, on the returns of an underlying market index, $x$. This regression model is an example of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
Stock returns are defined as:
\[\text{return} = \frac{\text{current} - \text{previous price}}{\text{previous price}} \approx \log(\frac{\text{current price}}{\text{previous price}})\]when the difference between the two prices is small. Daily prices are definitely not independent. However, daily returns may be seen as a sequence of uncorrelated random variables.
The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is a simple asset pricing model in finance given by:
\[y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + \epsilon_i\]where $y_i$ is a stock return and $x_i$ is a market return at time $i$.
The total risk of the stock is:
\[\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \overline{y})^2 = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (\hat{y_i} - \overline{y})^2 + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2.\]The market-related (or systematic) risk is:
\[\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (\hat{y_i} - \overline{y})^2 = \frac{1}{n} \hat{\beta}^2 \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \overline{x})^2.\]The firm-specific risk is:
\[\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2.\]Some remarks are the following:
- $\beta$ the market-related (or systematic) risk of the stock.
- Market-related risk is unavoidable, while firm-specific risk may be ‘diversified away’ through hedging.
- Variance is a simple measure (and one of the most frequently-used) of risk in finance.
So the ‘beta’ of a stock is a simple measure of the riskiness of that stock with respect to the market index. By definition, the market index has $\beta = 1$.
If a stock has a beta of 1, then:
\[\text{if the market index } \uparrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \uparrow \text{by 1%}\]and:
\[\text{if the market index } \downarrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \downarrow \text{by 1%}.\]If a stock has a beta of 2, then:
\[\text{if the market index } \uparrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \uparrow \text{by 2%}\]and:
\[\text{if the market index } \downarrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \downarrow \text{by 2%}.\]If a stock has a beta of 0.5, then:
\[\text{if the market index } \uparrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \uparrow \text{by 0.5%}\]and:
\[\text{if the market index } \downarrow \text{by 1%, then the stock } \downarrow \text{by 0.5%}.\]In summary:
\[\text{if } \beta > 1 \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{risky stocks}\]as market movements are amplified in the stock’s returns, and:
\[\text{if } \beta < 1 \quad \Rightarrow \quad \text{defensive stocks}\]as market movements are muted in the stock’s returns.
6.4 Linear programming
Linear programming is probably one of the most-used type of quantitative business model. It can be applied in any environment where finite resources must be allocated to competing activities or processes for maximum benefit, for example:
- selecting an investment portfolio of stocks to maximise return
- allocating a fixed budget between competing departments
- allocating lorries to routes to minimise the transportation costs incurred by a distribution company.
Optimisation models
All optimisation models have several common elements.
- Decision variables, or the variables whose values the decision-maker is allowed to choose. These are the variables which a company must know to function properly – they determine everything else.
- Objective function to be optimised – either maximised or minimised.
- Constraints which must be satisfied – physical, logical or economic restrictions, depending on the nature of the problem.
Solving optimisation problems
The first step is the model development step. You must decide:
- the decision variables, the objective and the constraints
- how everything fits together, i.e. develop correct algebraic expressions and relate all variables with appropriate formulae.
The second step is to optimise.
- A feasible solution is a solution which satisfies all of the constraints.
- The feasible region is the set of all feasible solutions.
- An infeasible solution violates at least one of the constraints.
- The optimal solution is the feasible solution which optimises the objective.
The third step is to perform a sensitivity analysis – to what extent is the final solution sensitive to parameter values used in the model.
6.5 Monte Carlo simulation
Trying different solutions is expensive and/or risky. For example:
- testing different products in the market
- designing a new schedule of arrivals/departures for an airport.
Improving the system is difficult. For example:
- which is the most profitable product to be released in the market?
- what is the optimal flight schedule for an airport?
Finding a robust system design is a challenge. For example:
- a product which sells well under tough market conditions
- an airport schedule which can deal with delays and disruptions.
Monte Carlo simulation works by simulating multiple hypothetical future worlds reflecting that the outcome variable of interest is a random variable with a probability distribution. We can then determine the expected outcome, as well as a quantification of risk, using the usual statistics of mean and variance. Decision-makers can then make an informed judgement about the best course of action based on their risk appetite.
To perform a Monte Carlo simulation we proceed as follows.
- Associate a (pseudo-)random number generator for each input variable.
- Assign a range of random numbers for each input variable (according to some assumed probability distribution).
For each input variable:
- generate a random number
- from the random number, select the respective variable value.
- Calculate the outcome, $x$, and record it.
- Repeat ‘3.’ and ‘4.’ until the desired number of iterations, $N$, is reached.
- Draw a histogram of the outcomes and determine the mean and variance of the simulated outputs: \(\overline{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i\) and: \(s^2 = \frac{1}{N - 1} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \overline{x})^2.\) The mean gives our estimate of the expected outcome, while the variance is our measure of risk.
Of course, the quality of these expected outcome and risk estimates is only as good as the model used. If a company wants to analyse the investment with the uncertain revenues and costs given by the certain probability distributions. What if the true probability distributions were different? What if revenues and costs were correlated or uncorrelated? What if other factors affected profit as well?
Clearly, in practice we would wish to conduct a sensitivity analysis to see how sensitive (or robust) the distribution of the outcome variable is to such issues.
Technically, this is the division of the sample space into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events. ↩
A probability function is simply a function which returns the probability of a particular value of $X$. ↩
Although greater precision is desirable, data collection costs will rise with $n$. Remember why we sample in the first place! ↩
Thinking back to trials by jury, conventional wisdom is that it is better to let 100 guilty people walk free than to convict a single innocent person. While you are welcome to disagree, this view is consistent with Type I errors being more problematic. ↩
Strictly speaking, this would apply to so-called ‘two-tailed’ hypothesis tests. ↩
A zero effect size would result in non-rejection of $\text{H}_0$, regardless of $n$. ↩